cpnews release


Recently, I looking for an light weight Andriod app that can display the daily crypto news. Unfortunately, I did find the app match my need. So I decided to write my own App. My first Andriod App was written with Reactive Native framework, which was not a good experience with JS. However, I have familiared with Rust, and also developed a few Rust desktop with Slint-ui. So I found egui is a choice for my situation, or maybe the best choice.

I know egui has some problems on Andriod platform, such as: can't show virtual keyboard when input text focused. And many Rust crates may not work on the Andriod platform. However, my requirements are pretty simply:

  • support showing text and image button

  • fetch data through Https request

  • serialize and deserialize json data

  • access local filesystem

After trying a few demos that satisfied my requirements, Hence, I decided to use Rust and egui to develope my second Andriod App. Through fews days working and debugging, I release cpnews v0.0.1. It can display Chinese and English daily crypto news. By the way it can also build Desktop App through Make commands.