cpnews release

Recently, I looking for an light weight Andriod app that can display the daily crypto news. Unfortunately, I did find the app match my need. So I decided to write my own App. My first Andriod App was written with Reactive Native framework, which was not a good experience with JS. However, I have familiared with Rust, and also developed a few Rust desktop with Slint-ui. So I found egui is a choice for my situation, or maybe the best choice...

Book: Mastering the Lighting Network

Mastering the Lightning Network is the first book about bitcoin layer2. I learnt alot from this book, which shows a comprehensive overview of Lightning Network. And you also learn some basic concept of bitcoin networks. If you are a beginner of Lightning Network, you must read this book first.

Book: Mastering Bitcoin

Mastering Bitcoin is also a good book for begainner. And it is the second book I read about bitcoin. I don't read the whole book, just read tow chapters(Transactions, Advanced Transactions and Scripting) as a complement of my first book Grokking Bitcoin. If I have more time I will read the whole book.

Book: Grokking Bitcoin

Recently, I want to write a self-used bitcoin wallet. So I decide to learn about basic knowledge of bitcoin. And I find Grokking Bitcoin. It is a good book for beginner and talk about the basic knowledge of bitcoin...

Crypto Watchlist

This page will collect some interesting projects of crypto...

Collection: crypto currency

This page would collect daily using websites of crypto currency. And it will be updated constantly...

Bitcoin whitepaper

No bullshit, Bitcoin whitepaper is the most famous whitepaper in the world. I build this page just for showing my respect to the decentralized world and hope one day crypto currency can revolutionize the world. We can keep our possessions safety regardless the war and the bad government behaviours.